Fire Inspections
Building Plans Examination & On-site Fire Inspections

Fire Inspectors are trained and certified through national certification processes to determine code violations and offer remedies to those violations. They use codes and ordinances to ensure that public buildings are safe when occupied, and that, should an emergency occur, occupants can safely escape without injury or death.
Request an Inspection
The Bureau was established November 2014. Since then it has focused on newly constructed buildings and new tenants moving in to an existing structure. The Bureau began inspect all buildings and structures in the District in 2017.
Our main focus when performing these inspections is Life Safety. Review WJFD Inspection Items (PDF) located in the Document Center on this page for an overview of items that should be addressed prior to the inspection, with an opportunity to correct any deficiencies that may exist. The checklist is not all inclusive as some businesses will require other items above and beyond what is on the list.
Uniformed firefighters with specialized training. They have expertise in preventing fires, enforcing the codes, and know first-hand how fires endanger lives and property. They sometimes ask other specialists, such as Building or Electrical Inspectors to assist them on some matters.
The goal of the Bureau is to inspect all public and commercial buildings annually in order to provide a high level of fire and life safety to the public. If a suspected fire or life safety hazard is reported to the Bureau, then an inspection could come sooner.
It depends on several factors such as building size and uses. The inspection fee is based on the following two factors: square footage and the occupancy classification. If violations are found and cannot be immediately corrected, a re-inspection of the premises would be in order. There is no fee for the first re-inspection. However, if violations are not corrected a second re-inspection of the premises will be required and the inspection fee will be billed again. For more information review the WJFD Fee Schedule (PDF) located in the Document Center on this page . We accept checks, money orders, or online credit card. No cash.
The Fire Board of the West Jackson Fire District elected to charge fees rather than raise taxes. The costs of the inspections are benchmarked with other Georgia Cities. These fees offset the cost to operate the Bureau.
Each year the Chief of the Fire Department and Fire Inspectors review the fees. They make recommendations and suggest changes in the fee structure. These adjustments are presented to the Fire Board, who make the final decision.
The State law requires the use of the building to be inspected; therefore, we bill the business we inspect. You may have a lease that makes the building owner responsible for certain items. This is a matter left up to you and the owner.
We try to give all businesses the same re-inspection time span of a couple of weeks. We realize some things cannot be done in that time frame, and we will come by to just check on your progress as a reminder and see if you need any technical assistance.
We will try to see if you just didn’t understand what was required and try to help you. However, fire code violations endanger you, your business, and the public. Violations have significant repercussions when left uncorrected. Georgia State law also provides for both civil monetary penalties and possible criminal charges. We would prefer to work with you, so that these actions are not needed.
We inspect public and commercial businesses only. We do not inspect home-based businesses and residential properties.
Fire Inspections FAQs
Document Center
Items that will be inspected upon the request of a Fire and Life Safety Inspection. This list is used for both new tenants and annual inspections.
Inspection Items
Inspection & False Alarm Fees
Fees for inspections, construction plan reviews, and other inspection fees. Also, fees for False Fire Alarms.