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BURN BAN  |   May 1 to September 30
Fire truck in route. Image by Daniel Holland

False Alarms & Fees

What qualifies as a false alarm, and what fees are assessed?

Fire Apparatus Operator

When the Fire Department responds to a false fire, medical or similar alarm system, exceeding three (3) in a 12-month period, a fee is assessed for each additional incident. False alarms are those alarms caused by faulty detectors that do not get fixed, faulty systems, careless human activity, and similar matters. Alarms caused by lightning or other matters beyond human control do not count toward this penalty.

False alarms are a very serious problem — they not only result in considerable expense to the public, they jeopardize the safety of the public and fire department personnel who must respond to the false alarms. False calls tie up valuable resources and, in some cases, cause a sense of complacency that could eventually cost lives.


The ordinance is intended to encourage alarm users to repair malfunctioning alarms and, as such, a fee is not assessed until the third false alarm.

Fees are payable to the West Jackson Fire Department. All fees must be paid within 30 days of the date that the fee is assessed.


Exception: The provisions of this section do not apply to newly installed residential fire or medical alarms for a period of 60 days following installation.

Fees for inspections, construction plan reviews, and other inspection fees. Also, fees for False Fire Alarms.

WJFD Fee Schedule (PDF)

Inspection & False Alarm Fees

Document Center

69 W Jackson Road, Braselton, GA 30517

706-654-2500 ext. 1

Email Inspections

WJFD Fire Prevention Bureau

For additional information, contact the West Jackson Fire Department Fire Prevention Officer.

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